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I’ll keep this quick because chances are if you are reading this post you need gifts ideas and fast. Christmas is in 18 days and shipping has been sketchy since we are experiencing a PANDEMIC! Let’s not get into that right now. Right now, we are making lists and checking them twice and all that good holiday stuff.
Do you ever wonder why wearing an all black outfit always works out perfectly? It’s because it’s no fuss, easy to put together and effortlessly chic. Try doing this with another color and you will be surprised at how it comes together. Monochromatic looks just WORK!
Well we’ve been home for months now and the thing that is keeping me sane is staying active. I most recently completed a 30 day workout program with a few friends in the confines of our own homes. Coupled with joining several different live streamed classes which have now become the norm, I have found a groove with this new “routine” and have also found some new favorites in the health/wellness/fitness department.
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It’s September and we can all bask in the arrival of the best season ever! You can officially order a pumpkin flavored drink, throw some autumn decor up around the house and even pull out a hoodie or two. You CANNOT however put up a Christmas tree nor pull out the Mariah Carey holiday album. You also may NOT put on a pair of Jeggings or Skinny Leg Denim.